
Brotherhood-NCR War- Steel Victory

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The Bunker at lost hills had been under seige for days. It was drawing closer to the door giving way which it did. In rushed NCR Troops and they arrested the Brotherhood elders before they got their Message out

Midwestern Chapter

Jake a Brotherhood Palidan from the Midwestern had ordered a squad to defend a Village from NCR Rangers. only recently had the Chapter got Comunitcations back with the elders and got word.

He lead his Robot,Deathclaw,Super mutant , Ghoul and Human Squad against the enemy base. With the help of the tank the Three Brotherhood squads Destroyed the NCR in the Midwestern when the elders contacted Jake

"Get back here Palidan we need to discuss out plan" The Elder said. Jake who was mute grunted and returned to the base. He stopped his Talked Robot-TT-3847 "Treds"- moved to him

"Good to see you sir" said the Robo-brain. Jake Smiled and walked into the leader's Office with Treds.

The Elder played the distress message from the Elder's at Lost hill

"Sir Jake says we should help" Treds said. Treds and Jake were connceted via the brain. Due to Jake's Vocal Injuries Treds offered to help. Jake nodded. The Elder Looked at the Red Robo-brain

"Gather your Troops Head Palidan Jake your going to help and By God we are going to help" he said dissmissing them. Treds rounded up Scar and Talon Squadrens as well as Death and Black adder Platoons. All listened to Jake,

"GATHER YOUR GEAR YOUR GOING TO LOST HILLS TO FIGHT THE NC AND WIPE THEM OUT" Treds said with Jake's Voice imprint. The Humans,Ghouls, Super Mutants, Deathclaws and Robots cheered and moved to gather the Armor and Gear.

Mojave Chapter

Mcanamera was enjoying the New Reruits Training aswell as the Robots being rebuilt when his messager ran up to him
"Sir Lost Bunker has been attacked by The NCR. The Elders need help from All Chapters" The Messanger

"Dispatch Delta and Bravo Platoons to help them" Macnamera said. the Messanger set the word and the He could hear the Kinghts and Robots they had moving out.

Capital Chaper

Yuuka sat looking at Duncan her husband giving their Child- Deaths the Deathclaw- a Bath. The male Kinght Ducked a blow and said no to Deaths who wined saddly. Duncan hugge the still wet Deathclaw after Drying him Off and helped the Deathclaw back into it's armor. Duncan and Deaths walked over to Yuuka who was chuckling.

"Something funny dear?" Duncan said sitting next to her and Deaths lieing at their feet
"oh nothing" Yuuka replied. The Duo where in their armor when a their Platoon sargent walked to them

"You two get ready I a taking Liberty Prime Mark II and my Platoon out. we have some problems up with Lost hills and we need to get ready. Deaths can come too Aswell" The Sargenat said patting the Deathclaw. soon the Chapter Moved out. Lyons Pride was with them.

three weeks later.

The Mojave, Midwestern, Captial Wasteland, Texas, New Zealand, Russian, Oklahoma,Hawaii and two other Chapters Meet up just outside of shady springs the NCR Home town -now a city- the leaders were talking when the all agreed on the attack. The Massive Army got geared up in their armies. They moved as one into the NCR City. the NCR Rangers and Soilders Ran out with weapons drawn. The Brotherhood army Stopped. The NCR looked at the Humans, Robots, Super Mutants, Deathclaws, Attack Dogs, Ghouls, And Vechicals all standing before them. One stepped forward with a Robot.

"New Califorina Repulic Surrender or Face Extermination" The Robot said

Colonel watts stepped towards the Mute Leader and the Robot
"I don't listen to Retards and the Fucking sex bot" the Colonel said before being shot by Treds. Jake Nodded and held up his had and singled the Howitezers, Self Prepelled Guns and Other Artillery To open Fire. The Shots smashed into the City this happend fro six days before the gates fell. Jake the Signelled the Attack the Brotherhood Army rushed in. The Dogs and Deathclaws pulling ahead of the others. Deaths Jumped on a Verteran Ranger and Ate his head while Duncan and Yuuka Fired their Galting Lasers int sync, Dan a Ghoul with a short temper Fired his railway Gun at NCR people while Super Mutants and Nightkin Made short work of heavy implacements. Robots begun to Kill NCR Civillans with Brotherhood troopers This lasted for Five years. the Battle of Shady Sands ended with the recapture of the Lost hill Vaults. The sand around the NCR Town was now red from Blood and would remain that way for many years to come. the Brotherhood Elders Sent the kept the Troops here to help restore order and repair Shady Sands and calm people. The Troops from the Russian and New Zealand Chapter Stayed in Shady Sands while the others Returned home. the NCR Was hunted down by Enclave Remints and The Legion but then the Enclave dissolved into the Brotherhood and the Last remaining NCR joined the legion. The Brotherhood Turned its attetion to the Legion and the Next war to fight
Langaue is there so read at own Caution

Fallout (c) Bethesda

Duncan, Deaths, Yuuka, Jake, Treds, Russian, New Zealand, Hawaii,Oaklahoma  Brotherhood of steel chapters (c) ME
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